Meeting Women Secrets

Click here to Meeting Women Secrets

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Meeting Women Secrets

Click here to Meeting Women Secrets

"You Will NEVER Have to Experience Rejection from
Any Woman Because of Your Beat-up Car, Crappy Job or Because You are Down-right Ugly…"

OUCH! Did I hit a nerve right there?

Did I make you think about the last time you got rejected by that girl you like so much?

Then at least we're on the same page…Don't feel bad, I was once like that too. And between you and me, I am still Down Right Ugly-I just sleep with a lot of women nowadays.

I understand how it feels to be rejected by a woman you like. Nothing can hurt the ego more than being turned down by a woman upfront. But you know what hurts the most? It's when you have tried to improve your skills on meeting women-spending hundreds (or even thousands of dollars) just to learn how get one single date-no kissing-and still get rejected by girls!

Guy Rejected By Hot WomanI don't know about you, but it brings me back to the painful memory of being rejected by the girl I asked to be my date on prom night back in high school. Rejection kind of makes you feel like less of a man, doesn't it? Even makes you less confident and less willing to wake up and live everyday… And you know what's worse?

When you meet up with the boys for regular beer and you hear them talk about what a great night they had with a hot chick that they've picked up at the club, restaurant, or even the drugstore, doesn't it make you jealous?

Here you are listening to all your boys who are not that good-looking, rich or charming, boast about how they know how to attract women and can score with almost any girl they want. Meanwhile you're growing more and more anxious every minute wishing you also knew how to attract women.

I mean, it's not like you're uglier than your friends… Yet every time you to talk to a girl it never seems to work. Even girls that you find just moderately attractive never return your calls-heck, I had down-right ugly girls rejecting ME!
"Is There Something WRONG With You?"

LoserHonestly, you start to feel like there is.

So what do you do? You seek out products, programs and magic pills that will teach you the ropes. Like you're doing right now!

You may even have tried out one of these "highly effective courses" with experts in pick-up and dating and you start to feel like you're all set to go out and start dating. You have all the tips and lessons to help you in attracting, seducing, and meeting women. All you need to do is put them into action.

And what happens? PICK UP FAIL!

Despite all the things you've learned from the experts, you still can't score a date!

What the f--- is the problem?

I was devastated when my first attempt at the dating scene went sour. I was so anxious to apply all the things I've learned. I knew deep in my heart that on that night, I would go home with a hot woman hooked in my arms.

You know what happened? It fell flat on my face!

I was devastated. I lost all hope. Instead of helping me, it feels like all the things you've studied are all washed down the drain. I didn't know what else to do, where else to turn… It's like discovering that everything you know is a lie.

The frustration was too much to bear and I couldn't bring myself to walk up to women and talk to them. My confidence level was rock bottom. All hope seemed to evaporate.

What's worse is: due to my age, time was ticking.

"If Learning From Experts In PUA And
Dating Doesn't Work, What Does?"

Then I realized something. It was not that the courses and programs didn't work. It's just that something was missing.

I knew that everything I've learned from the masters in picking up women were not make-believe; they were not intricate lies woven by people who wanted to hoodwink desperate guys like me. I soon learned that they were all real-that there are men who do get laid by using those techniques. BUT…

Attracting and Meeting women comes easy to these guys.

The only problem is not each guy is the same. Not all tactics will work for each and every guy in the world.

But…there is one thing that every guy needs to know-something that will really HELP THEM MEET ALL THE WOMEN THEY WANT.
I Unknowingly Stumbled Upon The Secret To
Meeting Women When I Had Lost All Hope…

Secrets To Meeting WomenAfter failing to get results, I was devastated. I curled back into my own, shy, introverted shell. To add to my frustration, I spent more time effort and money than I could afford.

I was still a not-so-good-looking-guy-desperate-to-find-a-woman that grew even more broke.

So I decided to drown all my sorrows in alcohol. I went into a bar disheveled, grumpy and alone. There was no way I was going to meet a woman with my current state. Only a miracle can save me from being lonely for the rest of my life.

I had no idea that heaven was going to send a miracle that night…

In walked probably the hottest-looking woman I've seen and sat right next to me! I decided to not try using ANY PUA trick on her because I knew it wouldn't work. As I sat there grumpy, scruffy and sipping on a glass of vodka, I couldn't help but steal glances at this gorgeous babe.

If this had happened a few weeks before, I would have blurted out some ‘witty and clever pickup line' and would've been instantly shot down. But looking at this woman, I somehow knew she was not one to fall for these.

I thought, what the heck, there was nothing more to lose. What difference would another rejection make? So I mustered what was left of my self-confidence and went up to her and laid it out straight:

"What would a guy like me have to do to go out with a girl like you?"

My jaw almost dropped when she answered me in all sincerity:

"Depends… I guess everyone is different. I guess if you say the right things and do the right things, I'd probably fall for you in a heartbeat…"

WOW! That was not what I expected.

But it certainly is something I've waited a long time to hear. We spent the rest of the night talking and I learned why these programs never worked for me. That night was a true epiphany…

That was when I discovered the missing link-the one thing that can make you successful in meeting women no matter what. Let me show you.
There's Something Vital Missing From All
Dating & Pick Up Courses Already Out There!

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What Pick Up Artists and Dating Gurus teach isn't a complete load of crock… but it is incomplete.

They usually work on one angle only. For instance, their strategies might only work for corporate guys. Or maybe it just works on girls in Los Angeles. This is great if you fall into that category, but for every other guy their pick up techniques are completely useless!

PUA Techniques WorkYou need to understand that different people have different situations. And different problems call for different solutions. The same can be said about dating and meeting women. It's rare that one cure-all tip works for everyone.

PUA techniques work-to an extent. It's just a matter of adapting to the right situation, environment, and person.

If you see a woman having coffee in a suit, it's a good indication that she works in some big company, you won't be able to know her name or get her number by using a tactic meant for girls you would see in drinking in a bar or club.

You've got to adapt.

That's the reason why there are guys that are not "pick up artists" but are just as successful in meeting women. They know how to adapt to the situation. They apply common sense to their knowledge.

This is why they are able to walk up to any woman and attract them instantly. For guys like them, creating sexual attraction is not a problem. They know how to attract women and to be just like them, you must learn to adapt.
"You Have To Own All The Pick Up And
Dating Courses In The World…"

Excess of PUA Trainign BooksBut let's be realistic. That isn't physically or financially possible! There's just too many out there nowadays… You wouldn't even be able to go through all of them.

And let's face it: if you're here you're probably tired a few of these guides, courses or free tips before, but it didn't work for you. Hey, don't worry-it didn't work for me either. In fact you'll be impressed when you find out how much I spent just to fail.

Don't throw in the towel just yet.

You weren't rejected because the advice you've learned is not effective, but because you missed out on something.

It's like this: your kid brother wants to learn how to drive. You then teach him the principles of driving the car. You show him what the steering wheel, stick, or pedal is for. You teach him safety precautions when driving. You teach him what to look for first in case the car breaks down. You basically teach him everything there is to know about driving.

But is this enough? Can you set him out to drive on the freeway by himself? Of course not! You know why?

You've taught him everything but you did not show him how to do it. He needs to get behind a wheel and experience it firsthand. And when he does do it first-hand, can he go and compete against Michael Schumacher? Of course not! He still needs practice… And practice…

And Practice!

It's the same thing with dating and meeting women. All the tips, principles, and theories won't suffice. You have to know how to use them; apply them. This means you need to learn bit by bit and keep working on it.

You need experienced people to guide you and help you practice till you become the best you can be.

Click here to Meeting Women Secrets

It took me over 1000 approaches (yes, I approached over one thousand women), 4 years, $11,650 and many white hairs to realize this. I don't want you to have to go through the same. So I discovered the best way to share this with other men, for a fraction of the effort and cost…
I Gathered A Team Of PUAs and Dating Experts To Compile
The BEST DATING TRAINING Available In One Place!

Team Of PUAs Ready To Help You!I realized that sharing all the information I had purchased and learned would be unviable and possibly illegal. I also knew that having only one person's opinion on the dating an pick up would not help everyone—after all, every guys is different.

So I contacted all the players, PUAs, gurus and pick up masters I ever met and got them to help me compile all their knowledge and experience into an easy course I can actually share with other guys.

In the end I managed to gather a Team of PUAs to help me create training and videos for this website on an ongoing basis AND help the members of this course get the success they deserve with women and dating.

It took over 13 experts and 3500 hours to create this course. Yes, we lost hours of our lives doing this, simply so other guys wouldn't have to. This is your birthright-no one has the right to withhold this information from you-like they've done for so many years!

We created easy to follow instructions so that any man-big or small, handsome or ugly, rich or poor-would be able to achieve these results in one month or less:

How to walk up to ANY woman and comfortably get her hooked in your conversation.
Exact tips on how to dress to have women coming up to you!
Learn how to attract women
Easy tricks to get over your fear of rejection.
Learn to get a girl's number in less than 5 minutes.
Body language secrets that will let you know exactly how to seduce her.
How women see men and dating and why 99% of guys never ‘get it'.
Easy exercises to defeat nervousness and stuttering and make you feel like true a rockstar!
And more… You'll get dozens of easy exercises that will guide you step-by-step into becoming the guy that every women wants to sleep with!
Access Denied To This Girl You Are NOT Going To Get Laid Tomorrow!

Yes-I said it!

Too many cowboys out there offer an eBook that promise you to have 20 models in your bed covering you in honey in the next 24h. But what's the real result? You get nothing and end up more depressed.

If I thought it could be done in 24h I would be giving you a magic pill of some sort-not honest advice. But there is no magic pill-trust me, I've searched for it before.
But I Will Guarantee You This:
You Will Get Laid In 30 Days If You Follow This Course.

Guy about To Sleep With Hot ChickAnd you don't need to be handsome, rich, slim or cool to do that.

I don't just say this. I'm sure of this. Though there's no magic pill for meeting women, but there are ways to speed up your progress. I've discovered these secrets and carefully detailed them inside.

The reason I say it takes 30 days-instead of 1-is because you actually have to go out and put what you've learned into practice. See, that's what a lot of dating guides completely miss! They focus on 100% on the learning and nothing on the action.

I developed this course to be the opposite. Though there's a heavy focus on learning, the bigger focus is on getting you to go out, meet women and hook up!

We have different missions guys can easily follow! "Dorks" and "losers" will be able to catch on very easily. But don't take my word for it-here's what the people that tried this had to say…
I Wanted To be Sure This Course Would Work...
So I Let Other Guys Try It-Here's what they Said:

When I finished writing this course, I started doubting myself. I mean, I'm not dating expert, PUA or anything. I'm a normal guy who learned all this and decided to compile it all in one massive blog. Everything had worked great for me-but could other guys pull it off? I wasn't sure if this course would sucked.

In fact I was so unsure of it, that for the first 100 people, I let them sign up for free if they told me what they honestly felt about the program. Here's what they said:

I Am Not Exaggerating: This Is The Most Advanced Dating Training Website On The Planet-Bar None! Here's Why:

"You Will NEVER Have to Experience Rejection from
Any Woman Because of Your Beat-up Car, Crappy Job or Because You are Down-right Ugly…"

OUCH! Did I hit a nerve right there?

Did I make you think about the last time you got rejected by that girl you like so much?

Then at least we're on the same page…Don't feel bad, I was once like that too. And between you and me, I am still Down Right Ugly-I just sleep with a lot of women nowadays.

I understand how it feels to be rejected by a woman you like. Nothing can hurt the ego more than being turned down by a woman upfront. But you know what hurts the most? It's when you have tried to improve your skills on meeting women-spending hundreds (or even thousands of dollars) just to learn how get one single date-no kissing-and still get rejected by girls!

Guy Rejected By Hot Woman I don't know about you, but it brings me back to the painful memory of being rejected by the girl I asked to be my date on prom night back in high school. Rejection kind of makes you feel like less of a man, doesn't it? Even makes you less confident and less willing to wake up and live everyday… And you know what's worse?

When you meet up with the boys for regular beer and you hear them talk about what a great night they had with a hot chick that they've picked up at the club, restaurant, or even the drugstore, doesn't it make you jealous?

Here you are listening to all your boys who are not that good-looking, rich or charming, boast about how they know how to attract women and can score with almost any girl they want. Meanwhile you're growing more and more anxious every minute wishing you also knew how to attract women.

I mean, it's not like you're uglier than your friends… Yet every time you to talk to a girl it never seems to work. Even girls that you find just moderately attractive never return your calls-heck, I had down-right ugly girls rejecting ME!
"Is There Something WRONG With You?"

Loser Honestly, you start to feel like there is.

So what do you do? You seek out products, programs and magic pills that will teach you the ropes. Like you're doing right now!

You may even have tried out one of these "highly effective courses" with experts in pick-up and dating and you start to feel like you're all set to go out and start dating. You have all the tips and lessons to help you in attracting, seducing, and meeting women. All you need to do is put them into action.

And what happens? PICK UP FAIL!

Despite all the things you've learned from the experts, you still can't score a date!

What the f--- is the problem?

I was devastated when my first attempt at the dating scene went sour. I was so anxious to apply all the things I've learned. I knew deep in my heart that on that night, I would go home with a hot woman hooked in my arms.

You know what happened? It fell flat on my face!

I was devastated. I lost all hope. Instead of helping me, it feels like all the things you've studied are all washed down the drain. I didn't know what else to do, where else to turn… It's like discovering that everything you know is a lie.

The frustration was too much to bear and I couldn't bring myself to walk up to women and talk to them. My confidence level was rock bottom. All hope seemed to evaporate.

What's worse is: due to my age, time was ticking.

Click here to Meeting Women Secrets

"If Learning From Experts In PUA And
Dating Doesn't Work, What Does?"

Then I realized something. It was not that the courses and programs didn't work. It's just that something was missing.

I knew that everything I've learned from the masters in picking up women were not make-believe; they were not intricate lies woven by people who wanted to hoodwink desperate guys like me. I soon learned that they were all real-that there are men who do get laid by using those techniques. BUT…

Attracting and Meeting women comes easy to these guys.

The only problem is not each guy is the same. Not all tactics will work for each and every guy in the world.

But…there is one thing that every guy needs to know-something that will really HELP THEM MEET ALL THE WOMEN THEY WANT.
I Unknowingly Stumbled Upon The Secret To
Meeting Women When I Had Lost All Hope…

Secrets To Meeting WomenAfter failing to get results, I was devastated. I curled back into my own, shy, introverted shell. To add to my frustration, I spent more time effort and money than I could afford.

I was still a not-so-good-looking-guy-desperate-to-find-a-woman that grew even more broke.

So I decided to drown all my sorrows in alcohol. I went into a bar disheveled, grumpy and alone. There was no way I was going to meet a woman with my current state. Only a miracle can save me from being lonely for the rest of my life.

I had no idea that heaven was going to send a miracle that night…

In walked probably the hottest-looking woman I've seen and sat right next to me! I decided to not try using ANY PUA trick on her because I knew it wouldn't work. As I sat there grumpy, scruffy and sipping on a glass of vodka, I couldn't help but steal glances at this gorgeous babe.

If this had happened a few weeks before, I would have blurted out some ‘witty and clever pickup line' and would've been instantly shot down. But looking at this woman, I somehow knew she was not one to fall for these.

I thought, what the heck, there was nothing more to lose. What difference would another rejection make? So I mustered what was left of my self-confidence and went up to her and laid it out straight:

"What would a guy like me have to do to go out with a girl like you?"

My jaw almost dropped when she answered me in all sincerity:

"Depends… I guess everyone is different. I guess if you say the right things and do the right things, I'd probably fall for you in a heartbeat…"

WOW! That was not what I expected.

But it certainly is something I've waited a long time to hear. We spent the rest of the night talking and I learned why these programs never worked for me. That night was a true epiphany…

That was when I discovered the missing link-the one thing that can make you successful in meeting women no matter what. Let me show you.
There's Something Vital Missing From All
Dating & Pick Up Courses Already Out There!

What Pick Up Artists and Dating Gurus teach isn't a complete load of crock… but it is incomplete.

They usually work on one angle only. For instance, their strategies might only work for corporate guys. Or maybe it just works on girls in Los Angeles. This is great if you fall into that category, but for every other guy their pick up techniques are completely useless!

PUA Techniques WorkYou need to understand that different people have different situations. And different problems call for different solutions. The same can be said about dating and meeting women. It's rare that one cure-all tip works for everyone.

PUA techniques work-to an extent. It's just a matter of adapting to the right situation, environment, and person.

If you see a woman having coffee in a suit, it's a good indication that she works in some big company, you won't be able to know her name or get her number by using a tactic meant for girls you would see in drinking in a bar or club.

You've got to adapt.

That's the reason why there are guys that are not "pick up artists" but are just as successful in meeting women. They know how to adapt to the situation. They apply common sense to their knowledge.

This is why they are able to walk up to any woman and attract them instantly. For guys like them, creating sexual attraction is not a problem. They know how to attract women and to be just like them, you must learn to adapt.
"You Have To Own All The Pick Up And
Dating Courses In The World…"

Excess of PUA Trainign BooksBut let's be realistic. That isn't physically or financially possible! There's just too many out there nowadays… You wouldn't even be able to go through all of them.

And let's face it: if you're here you're probably tired a few of these guides, courses or free tips before, but it didn't work for you. Hey, don't worry-it didn't work for me either. In fact you'll be impressed when you find out how much I spent just to fail.

Don't throw in the towel just yet.

You weren't rejected because the advice you've learned is not effective, but because you missed out on something.

It's like this: your kid brother wants to learn how to drive. You then teach him the principles of driving the car. You show him what the steering wheel, stick, or pedal is for. You teach him safety precautions when driving. You teach him what to look for first in case the car breaks down. You basically teach him everything there is to know about driving.

But is this enough? Can you set him out to drive on the freeway by himself? Of course not! You know why?

You've taught him everything but you did not show him how to do it. He needs to get behind a wheel and experience it firsthand. And when he does do it first-hand, can he go and compete against Michael Schumacher? Of course not! He still needs practice… And practice…

And Practice!

It's the same thing with dating and meeting women. All the tips, principles, and theories won't suffice. You have to know how to use them; apply them. This means you need to learn bit by bit and keep working on it.

You need experienced people to guide you and help you practice till you become the best you can be.

It took me over 1000 approaches (yes, I approached over one thousand women), 4 years, $11,650 and many white hairs to realize this. I don't want you to have to go through the same. So I discovered the best way to share this with other men, for a fraction of the effort and cost…
I Gathered A Team Of PUAs and Dating Experts To Compile
The BEST DATING TRAINING Available In One Place!

Team Of PUAs Ready To Help You!I realized that sharing all the information I had purchased and learned would be unviable and possibly illegal. I also knew that having only one person's opinion on the dating an pick up would not help everyone—after all, every guys is different.

So I contacted all the players, PUAs, gurus and pick up masters I ever met and got them to help me compile all their knowledge and experience into an easy course I can actually share with other guys.

In the end I managed to gather a Team of PUAs to help me create training and videos for this website on an ongoing basis AND help the members of this course get the success they deserve with women and dating.

It took over 13 experts and 3500 hours to create this course. Yes, we lost hours of our lives doing this, simply so other guys wouldn't have to. This is your birthright-no one has the right to withhold this information from you-like they've done for so many years!

We created easy to follow instructions so that any man-big or small, handsome or ugly, rich or poor-would be able to achieve these results in one month or less:

How to walk up to ANY woman and comfortably get her hooked in your conversation.
Exact tips on how to dress to have women coming up to you!
Learn how to attract women
Easy tricks to get over your fear of rejection.
Learn to get a girl's number in less than 5 minutes.
Body language secrets that will let you know exactly how to seduce her.
How women see men and dating and why 99% of guys never ‘get it'.
Easy exercises to defeat nervousness and stuttering and make you feel like true a rockstar!
And more… You'll get dozens of easy exercises that will guide you step-by-step into becoming the guy that every women wants to sleep with!
Acess Denied To This GirlYou Are NOT Going To Get Laid Tomorrow!

Yes-I said it!

Too many cowboys out there offer an eBook that promise you to have 20 models in your bed covering you in honey in the next 24h. But what's the real result? You get nothing and end up more depressed.

If I thought it could be done in 24h I would be giving you a magic pill of some sort-not honest advice. But there is no magic pill-trust me, I've searched for it before.
But I Will Guarantee You This:
You Will Get Laid In 30 Days If You Follow This Course.

Guy about To Sleep With Hot ChickAnd you don't need to be handsome, rich, slim or cool to do that.

I don't just say this. I'm sure of this. Though there's no magic pill for meeting women, but there are ways to speed up your progress. I've discovered these secrets and carefully detailed them inside.

The reason I say it takes 30 days-instead of 1-is because you actually have to go out and put what you've learned into practice. See, that's what a lot of dating guides completely miss! They focus on 100% on the learning and nothing on the action.

I developed this course to be the opposite. Though there's a heavy focus on learning, the bigger focus is on getting you to go out, meet women and hook up!

We have different missions guys can easily follow! "Dorks" and "losers" will be able to catch on very easily. But don't take my word for it-here's what the people that tried this had to say…
I Wanted To be Sure This Course Would Work...
So I Let Other Guys Try It-Here's what they Said:

When I finished writing this course, I started doubting myself. I mean, I'm not dating expert, PUA or anything. I'm a normal guy who learned all this and decided to compile it all in one massive blog. Everything had worked great for me-but could other guys pull it off? I wasn't sure if this course would sucked.

In fact I was so unsure of it, that for the first 100 people, I let them sign up for free if they told me what they honestly felt about the program. Here's what they said:

"I was kissing girls in 7 days…"

John's Pic"I won't beat around the bush: I am a freelance writer meaning I am broker than a bad joke, 50 pounds overweight, and living in an apartment that must have been a broom closet at one time-basically, I am the poster child for losers where women are concerned. Last year, I purchased a program from one of the top pick up artists on the planet and tried the strategies on this hottie living across the street that I have been drooling over for the past 2 years-AND SHE LAUGHED AT ME!!

I heard about your program from a former client of mine and it sounded just different enough to actually work-so I tried it. I don't know why or how it worked man but I don't care-just one 10-minute honest conversation with Beth changed everything! I was kissing her in less than a week and we have now been dating for 4 months and are talking about getting a new place together-me-living with a gorgeous woman! John, where have you been my whole life?!"

Jon Kreps
Freelance Writer
Indiana, USA

"Dude, Where's My Virginity?"

Mark's Pic"Duuuuuuude… Where's my virginity?

I mean it, man. How could you even doubt this, dude? This worked so well. Like, I used to get some because I'm a musician and all, but this is seriously off the hook. Like, it taught me how to go from amateur to PRO in a very short time.

Hell yeah, I'd recommend your program to anyone. Even if my mom decided to meet women, she could pull this off."

Mark "The Deceiver" Slade
Guitarist & Producer
Perth, Australia

"I never thought these results were possible until I tried this for myself"

Owen's Picture"I'm the biggest skeptic when it comes to these things. Since I had never taken any form of dating training and never had a father to guide me through the process of dating girls, I thought this was going to be a complete waste of time.

I'll admit, I only did this because you offered it to me for free. Otherwise I would have never seen value in this. I would still be lonely. I never thought these results were possible until tried the course for myself.

I don't just mean meeting women. I met a lot of girls in the last few months, way more than I've ever met in my whole life.

What amazed me is that this course completely transformed me. I have always been a socially introverted guy and never had many friends because of this. I would choose to play World of Warcraft rather than go out on a Saturday night.

Now I have people calling me non-stop wanting me to be at their parties. Hot girls too!

It wasn't instant, I'll give you that, but it was a complete transformation from Geek to Cool. I'll never be scared of being lonely again.

Thanks, man!"

Owen Williams
Virginia, USA

To Top It Off, I Let Real Experts Have A Go At It
Here's Their Verdict:

"John Lione Has Done What No Other PUA in the Business Has Been Able to Do: Help ANY Man Become a Natural PUA!"

"I have been in this business long enough to know that you just can't seem to help everyone - at least until now. John's amazing membership site has completely revolutionized the way you attract women and get dates. He has managed to make an easy how-to-get-dates guide by re-examining every aspect, from flirting to carrying a conversation.

I have absolutely no qualms in endorsing this great membership site to any man who wants to finally snag a hot chick. Attracting women used to be difficult for most guys, but John Lione managed to do something no other PUA in the business has been able to do: Help ANY man become a natural PUA!"

5 stars
Rick Mustang
Dating Expert

"Your book has completely opened my eyes and made me realize that I didn't know even HALF as much as I thought about the game!!"

"I am certainly no "newbie" when it comes to meeting and attracting some of the most beautiful women out there but your book not only covers the basics... it enters into a realm most PUA's don't even know about... let alone enter! Your book has completely opened my eyes and made me realize that I didn't know even HALF as much as I thought about the game!!"

5 stars
Sydney PUA

I Am Not Exaggerating: This Is The Most Advanced Dating Training Website On The Planet-Bar None! Here's Why:

1.All Meeting Women Secrets Products!The PUA "Master's Series" Training Videos: The second your membership begins, you will have instant access to nearly 30 training videos made by some of the top PUA's in the business, including: John, Samuel, Izzy, and over 2 dozen other "Masters!" Remember, the more "plays" you learn, the more likely you are to "score" and "score" often! These videos give you an inside look at the top strategies and techniques of the best PUA's in the business and I will show you precisely how to integrate them into your own style-until they become your own!

2.The John Lione Video Series: This collection of over 20 in-depth training videos is made by yours truly and includes special appearances and tips from other top PUA's! This series is made with the female perspective in mind-so you will NOT find anything like it anywhere else! All videos are updated every month and you will also have access to new videos as they are produced.

3.Access to Weekly How-To Articles: Each week, you will receive access to helpful and innovative articles on how to meet women. These are written by EXPERTS-people who have lived through the experience; those who walked the talk. Isn't it better to get firsthand information from the ones who created them? These articles will introduce you to a lot of breakthrough tips and top strategies to transform you into a Don Juan in no time.

4.Easy Weekly Missions: There are missions broken down by difficulty so that you can improve your skills easily. These are designed to take you by hand and show you how to pick up more women day-by-day. I want to show you the exact steps that turned normal men into Casanovas and do the same to you!

5.Exclusive New Ebooks: Every time someone releases a good eBook on dating, I will have it available to you. I have included dozens of reviews in the website and I have also managed to swindle a few awesome eBooks as a bonus. I will show you in a bit.

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